12 Steps to Change: Combatting an Addiction to Food with the Fifth Step, Confession
Jessica has been addicted to food for her entire adult life, and after her husband passed away, her addiction only worsened.
The fifth video in Mormon Channel’s “12 Steps to Change” series explores Jessica’s story and how she worked through her addiction. It wasn’t until she decided to confess her addiction that she began to see a noticeable difference in her recovery. However, confessing wasn’t easy for Jessica. In the video, she explains,
[pull_quote_center]I think part of the hardest part that I had to face was how my actions had affected my family.[/pull_quote_center]
Once Jessica confessed her secrets to herself, to Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ, to proper priesthood authority, she explains that she no longer felt hurt. “It was amazing, it really was,” Jessica said. “I didn’t feel guilty anymore, I felt clean. I felt I had courage.”
Watch Jessica’s story, posted above, and view the series on mormonchannel.org.