61 Questions non-Mormons can’t answer
- Nahum
- Bountiful
- The 37 things on John Clark’s list
- Dr. John Clark of the New World Archaeological Foundation has compiled a list of sixty items mentioned in the Book of Mormon.
- Each of the 3 witnesses
- Each of the 8 witnesses
- Discovery of steel near Jerusalem
- Moroni style fortifications in the new world
- Semetic names
- Chiasmus
- http://publications.mi.byu.edu/publications/bookchapters/Poetic_Parallelisms_in_the_Book_of_Mormon_The_Complete_Text_/Poetic%20Parallelisms%20in%20the%20Book%20of%20Mormon.pdf
- Hebrew idioms
- Ancient monetary system
- Hebrew DNA
- Light colored skin
- Temple structures “like unto Solomon’s temple”
- Stone used for walls, but not for cities
- Oral histories of mass extinction
- How quickly it was written
- Book of Enoch
- OK. In the Hebrew Tanach, referring to the plagues of Moses, it says the Egyptians asked, “Why is it dark on our side of the City, and the Hebrews have light?” In Genesis 6:16, it says to put a window in the ark (Noah’s), but it’s a mistranslation. The Hebrew word is Tzohar, which is a glowing stone. Other extra-biblical literature says the ark was lit with glowing stones, so it was natural for the Brother of Jared to ask for the same from the Lord = another proof for the BofM.
- Izapa Stella 5
- Los Lunas Decalogue Stone, Bat Creek Inscription, Newark Ohio Decalogue Stone, Keystone, Johnson-Bradner Stone
- https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/02/maya-laser-lidar-guatemala-pacunam/?utm_source=quora
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