Malala Yousafzai Campaigns for Girls’ Education

Two years after being shot in the head by the Taliban while promoting educational opportunity for girls in Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai received the Nobel Peace Prize. Malala, age 17, is the youngest Nobel Laureate.

As my father always says he did not give me something extra, but … he did not clip my wings. So I’m thankful to my father for not clipping my wings, for letting me to fly and achieve my goals, showing to the world that a girl is not supposed to be the slave. A girl has the power to go forward in her life. This award is for all those children who are voiceless, whose voices need to be heard. Malala Yousafzai

Malala’s quest for education is something many people take for granted. Young Education Woman Latter-day prophets and apostles teach of education’s importance in alleviating poverty and prejudice and promoting peace and moral character. The Perpetual Education Fund, established in 2001, helps many young people achieve their dream of education and vocational training. When announcing it’s purpose, President Gordon B. Hinckley stated

Where there is widespread poverty among our people, we must do all we can to help them to lift themselves, to establish their lives upon a foundation of self-reliance that can come of training. Education is the key to opportunity.

Church leaders challenge everyone throughout the world, particularly young women, to receive an education. Dallin H. Oaks: “[It] is important for our young women to receive a proper education. Education is more than vocational. Education should improve our minds, strengthen our bodies, heighten our cultural awareness, and increase our spirituality. It should prepare us for greater service to the human family.” President Harold B. Lee: “When you teach a boy, you are just teaching another individual, but when you teach a woman or a girl, you are teaching a whole family.” (Relief Society Magazine, January, 1965, p. 8). George Q. Cannon:  “Too great care cannot be taken in educating our young ladies. Great responsibilities will devolve upon them. To their hands will be mainly committed the formation of the moral and intellectual character of the young. “Let the women of our country be made intelligent, and their children will certainly be the same. The proper education of a man decides his welfare; but the interests of a whole family are secured by the correct education of a woman” (George Q. Cannon, Gospel Truth, sel. Jerreld L. Newquist [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1974], 2:138). President Gordon B. Hinckley: “You have the potential to become anything to which you set your mind. You have a mind and a body and a spirit. With these three working together, you can walk the high road that leads to achievement and happiness. But this will require effort and sacrifice and faith. “You must get all of the education that you possibly can. Life has become so complex and competitive. You cannot assume that you have entitlements due you. You will be expected to put forth great effort and to use your best talents to make your way to the most wonderful future of which you are capable. Sacrifice a car; sacrifice anything that is needed to be sacrificed to qualify yourselves to do the work of the world. That world will in large measure pay you what it thinks you are worth, and your worth will increase as you gain education and proficiency in your chosen field. “You have a mandate from the Lord to educate your minds and your hearts and your hands. The Lord has said, “Teach ye diligently . . . of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms—that ye may be prepared in all things” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:78–80). “The whole gamut of human endeavor is now open to women. There is not anything that you cannot do if you will set your mind to it. I am grateful that women today are afforded the same opportunity to study for science, for the professions, and for every other facet of human knowledge. You are as entitled as are men to the Spirit of Christ, which enlightens every man and woman who comes into the world (see Doctrine and Covenants 84:46). “You can include in the dream of the woman you would like to be a picture of one qualified to serve society and make a significant contribution to the world of which she will be a part. “


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