I’m going to #StartMyJourney Like the Wise Men this Christmas
Merry Christmas!
We often think of the wise men present in the stable. But they only left to find Christ when the star appeared. We know from 3 Nephi 1:21 that the star appeared on the day of Christ’s birth, and the Bible recounts that the wise men found Christ as a little child in his home.
So while Christmas often feels like the culmination of a month of holiday cheer, I propose that we instead see it as a beginning.
The wise men started their journey to Christ on Christmas day. Let’s do the same. Let’s use this Sabbath day Christmas as an opportunity to refocus and to start anew our journey toward Christ. Wherever we are, let’s be like the wise men today celebrating Christ’s birth and following him as quickly as we can.
As we decide how to get closer to Christ, we can actually follow the example the wise men set on their journey.
Receive Personal Revelation
Prepare for Christ’s Coming
Bring Gifts to Christ
Serve as Witnesses of Christ
Obey Personal Revelation
Travel Toward Christ
Perhaps most inspiring, the magi set their course to Jesus and moved toward him. Do we as reliably follow “all things which are good?”
This year, I plan to #StartMyJourney in lieu of New Year’s Resolutions. I think this focus on Christ will serve me better.
Following the example of the wise men, I plan to:
- Write notes as part of my daily scripture study to help receive revelation.
- Mention my faith more often when I meet people for the first time to open the door for missionary opportunities.
- Start my one-year supply of food by expanding my current non-perishables to help prepare myself.
How will you start your journey? Let us know on Twitter or in the comments below.