How Cyber-Bullying May Be Ruining Your Youth Program

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that happens via digital devices including cell phones and computers. It is a major problem that negatively impacts young people in particular who increasingly rely on technology—namely the internet and social media to connect with the world around them.

Bullying in this form can leave young people feeling a mix of emotions and they may even begin to question their spirituality and connection with God. Here are a few ways in which the negative impacts of bullying can impact a young person’s sense of spirituality.

Feelings of Isolation

Cyberbullying by its very nature is centered on trapping victims and isolating them. While young people can log off from the internet and their social media accounts they may still be feeling isolated after the fact.

They may even begin to question why they are being bullied in the first place, asking questions such as, “Why me?” They may also begin to feel that they are not loved by God on a spiritual level because of the bullying.

Furthermore, they may experience feelings of shame and guilt wondering if something is truly wrong with them. When a teen feels like no one loves them, their spirituality takes a severe blow as most religions are centered on love and connection with an invisible God.

When a young person cannot feel love from people in their immediate surroundings, there is a diminished sense of wanting to establish a connection with an unseen being. They may even wonder what God is really like and if God is actually there for them.

Feelings of Hopelessness

Hopelessness is another feeling that can result from cyberbullying. Bullying can cause young people to lose hope when they are constantly mistreated on the Internet. Many times, cyberbullying begins as traditional bullying that gets carried over online. This could result in feelings of hopelessness as teens may interpret the persistence of the bullying as never-ending—in real life and in digital format.

Cyberbullying is also centered on an imbalance of power. As a victim, a young person who is being bullied may, in turn, lose interest in spirituality because they feel abandoned that God has not intervened on their behalf.

A sense of hopelessness leaves little to no grounds for spirituality and in many cases those who are bullied may not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, losing hope that things will eventually get better.

Feeling Disconnected

Another spiritual consequence of cyberbullying is a feeling of disconnection from a higher power. Spirituality is closely linked to social relationships, and if one cannot establish close relationships with peers a close relationship with God may also be questioned. For instance, teens may not want to engage in activities that previously brought them joy, including attending church.

This also holds true for the case of the bully who may not be able to establish healthy social relationships with others. This could be an indicator of a lack of spirituality in their own lives. Cyberbullying affects a teen’s ability to relate to others, including the divine.

No matter your family’s religion, it is important to have conversations with teens regarding the human experience, this is especially true for those experiences that are not-so-pleasant, including bullying.

Humans are complex and go through a myriad array of life circumstances. For teens who are experiencing cyberbullying, it is important to provide them with support during this difficult time so that they do not lose their connection with their sense of spiritual awareness.


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