7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Working in the Temple

Last year I got the unmistakable prompting that I needed to start working in the temple.

I. Was. Terrified.

At the time, I was seeing a therapist because of my anxiety. I wasn’t very happy about the prompting because attending the temple only heightened my anxiety. However, after much prayer, I met with my bishop and started the process.

I have learned so many things since becoming a temple worker. It has been a truly incredible experience that has blessed my life immensely. Just in case you’re considering working in the temple as well, I thought I would compile a list of things I wish I knew before starting. I hope it helps!

Related: Day in the Life of a Temple Ordinance Worker

1. You don’t have to be perfect.

man reading scriptures before working in the temple
via churchofjesuschrist.org

Please get rid of the idea that you have to be a perfect ordinance worker. You will make mistakes, and that’s okay! The other workers and patrons are so understanding. Have patience with yourself.

I know women that still get words mixed up even after working in the temple for many years. There is zero shame in having to start over! It happens all the time. Don’t beat yourself up.

2. There’s a plan for everything.

Okay, a vulnerable moment here. I have emetophobia. The reason I see a therapist is my fear of vomit. I know it sounds silly, but here I am. The temple caused me a lot of stress because I felt trapped.

I didn’t think I could leave an endowment session if I got sick. I panicked because there wasn’t a trash can in the initiatory booths. See what I mean? My anxiety was trying to keep me away from the temple.

However, there really is a plan for every situation! There are bathrooms right outside of the endowment rooms that I didn’t know about. Temple workers know what to do if you have to run out of initiatories. There was nothing to worry about!

There are so many storage closets and other behind-the-scenes things that calmed my nerves. If the temple stresses you out, I hope my words give you comfort! You will be just fine.

3. God is going to help you.

woman walking into a temple
via churchofjesuschrist.org

I am NOT a morning person. Waking up at 5:00 in the morning sounded like the worst, but it was the only shift that worked in my schedule. I started to wonder if I would be able to do it. If you’re in the same boat, have no fear!

I was amazed at how energized I felt walking up so early. Heavenly Father helped me so much, and I know he will do the same for you! If you’re struggling to find time to make it work, pray.

“When you do your part, the Lord adds His power to your efforts.” ~ HENRY B. EYRING

4. Life outside the temple will improve.

I have another story for you! Just this last week, I was grabbing lunch on my temple day. My choice for the day was Chick-fil-a, obviously. As I pulled up to the window to pay, the woman asked if I would like a free breakfast sandwich. UH, YEAH.

Later that same night, I ran to the local grocery store and they were giving out free chocolate-covered strawberries. Heaven.

This sounds silly, but these were actually some pretty cool blessings in my opinion. Maybe I just love food a little too much? I don’t know. What I do know is that my work, school, and relationships have all improved greatly since I became a temple worker. It has been amazing!

5. You’ll make unexpected friends.

women laughing together after working in the temple
via churchofjesuschrist.org

Through my service in the temple, I have met so many people from different walks of life. Our social status stays outside and we are all on the same level in the temple. We are simply children of God trying to get closer to Him.

I have found myself becoming friends with grandmas, recent high school graduates, and every type of woman in-between. It doesn’t matter who they are, they’re serving the Lord. Learning from them has been such a blessing.

Prepare yourself for some lifelong friendships with people you never would have expected. They will help you change for the better!

6. You will gain a deeper love for the patrons.

I have been blown away by the patrons who attend the temple. My love for them has increased every week. It’s difficult to explain how much temple workers care about those we serve.

Working in the temple has given me a small insight into some of the lives of those who come to worship. I pray for them often. A temple worker really wants the best for everyone that visits the house of the Lord.

My love hasn’t just grown for the patrons, though. I have gained a greater respect for all members of the Church. I have come to realize that we are all just doing our best. Everyone deserves patience, love, and respect.

7. Miracles are real.

angel moroni statue on top of a temple
via churchofjesuschrist.org

Alright, here’s my last story. Once upon a time my husband and I were looking for a new apartment. However, we really loved our current ward. For a few weeks, we had been asking ward members if they knew of a basement apartment we could live in. Almost every person told us to find a Sister K.

We searched and searched, but could never track Sister K down. After a couple of weeks, we were getting pretty disheartened. She was nowhere to be found!

While working at the temple one day, I was standing next to a seated patron. I was snooping and caught a glance at her family name card. Immediately, I noticed that her home address was right next to my place.

I leaned over and asked if she was in my ward. She looked up at me and was overjoyed! She introduced herself and guess who? It was Sister K! I told her we wanted to check out her basement apartment and we moved in two weeks later. It was a HUGE miracle!

I have heard countless stories from other temple workers about miracles they’ve witnessed as well. I can promise you will find them, too!

Related: 7 Tips for Attending The Temple When You Have Anxiety

Working in the temple has been such a blessing in my life. Most temples are in need of more volunteers! So, please go speak with your bishop if you have the ability. You would be a huge help.

Are you a temple worker? If so, tell us something you’ve learned! We would love to hear from you in the comments.


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