Where Bishop’s Storehouse Food REALLY Comes From
It is very possible that you or someone you know has lost their job, become ill, or suffered another form of tragedy during this pandemic. Everyone can fall on hard times at some point and it is important to know how to turn to the Bishop’s Storehouse for help.
Based on what is owned by the Church, we know where our tithing and fast offerings go. But have you ever wondered exactly how these things are made? The Church has created a series of short informational videos called, “How It’s Made,” that show you exactly where your donations are going.
Virtual Tours
Each video is adorably narrated by kids, explaining where specific items in the Bishop’s Storehouse come from. The videos give you small virtual tours of the locations that are owned and operated by the Church.
Did you know that the Church has a peanut butter plant? They also have vineyards, wheat farms, orchards, dairy farms, and a mill. I didn’t know about most of these places until I watched these videos.
In each segment, you get to follow the process of an item being made. Things like cheese, pasta, applesauce, and peanut butter come from various locations across the United States. These items are brought to the central Bishop’s Storehouse in Salt Lake City, Utah, and distributed across the country.
The cute animations and childlike points of view add a sweet innocence to the message. Through the eyes of a child, it seems like everything magically appears on the table. These kids show us that needing a little help sometimes is not something to be ashamed of. As some of these videos mention, “Anyone can be needy at some point in their lives,” and “Whatever the problem, the Church has resources to help people get back on their feet again.”
Welfare Square and Bishop’s Storehouses everywhere are run by volunteers. They do not turn a profit for the Church because the items are not sold in stores.
Volunteers at the Bishops Storehouse can be missionaries assigned to the storehouse or members volunteering for a few hours. Either way, the donation of your time will be a blessing to yourself and others. If you would like to volunteer at a Bishop’s Storehouse in your area, talk with your local Bishop.
The food made by the Church is available in one of the 114 Bishop’s Storehouses across the country, but did you know that they make mattresses too?
Related Link: The Bishop’s Barrel – A Lesson in Preparedness
My first question is, why mattresses and where do they go? The mattresses themselves go to families who have been through natural disasters, job loss, or house fires, just to name a few. They are also for sale at Deseret Industries.
Those who make the mattresses are provided with jobs and income. These people are generally in the process of looking for more permanent employment. Deseret Industries also hires those with disabilities and people who have recently been released from prison.
Related Link: The Church’s Deseret Industries Rushes to the Rescue of the Sioux
They provide any necessary job training for these employees in order to help them more fully reintegrate into society. The process of making mattresses also allows those looking for jobs to develop new skills.
So, there you go! Here is just a little more insight on where your tithing and fast offerings go, and what you can do to help.
What will you do to help? Share in the comments.