All Returned Missionaries Invited to Worldwide Christmas Mission Reunion

A few stakes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Utah County are hosting a Christmas campaign in which they need the help of all returned missionaries, young and old.

The campaign, My Mission Christmas, is a mission reunion of sorts, where all who have served are invited to take part. Robert Walz, head of the committee that developed the campaign, explained that participants are asked to share a Christmas memory from their mission on social media, hopefully with a picture, and tag the post with #MyMissionChristmas.

This idea developed after the committee discussed how some of their most memorable Christmases were while serving a mission for the Church. Creating a campaign where returned missionaries could post their positive Christmas experiences could help shed light on what the holiday season is all about.

“We wanted to tap into a unique Christmas experience that is fun to look back on, and easy to make a gospel connection with,” explained committee member, Adam Durfee. “When you post about Christmas past, if it’s a photo of a bad gift you once received, you might struggle to share with somebody a gospel connection. But, if you share a photo from your mission that starts a conversation with someone, it’s very easy to talk about the gospel.”

Durfee, who served in Tasmania, told that the two Christmases he experienced on his mission are some of the most memorable. He said,

[pull_quote_center]The holiday is supposed to be focused on the birth of the Savior, peace on Earth and goodwill towards men. …When my family was 8,000 miles away and no gifts were under the paper Christmas tree on our wall…I realized the true meaning of Christmas.[/pull_quote_center]

With the goal of spreading the message of Christ’s birth through the campaign, Durfee explained that the hope is for returned missionaries to share a personal message from the time in their lives when every day was focused on teaching people about the Savior. He hopes that the message returned missionaries choose to share will help others see how the Latter-day Saint faith is different from so many others.


“We are asking all the returned missionaries around the globe this season to join us in a worldwide mission reunion–a time to remember #MyMissionChristmas.”


The online mission reunion is taking place on all social media platforms now through the Christmas season. For more information and to read other’s mission Christmas stories, visit


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