There are 327 items in this tab
“Onward Christian Soldiers” — Rewritten
The hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers” is a 19th century British hymn, written for a processional of children from Horbury...
Church Wants a Nurse-Missionary in Every Mission
There are 418 missions in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the Church wants 418 nurses to serve in them. The Chur... Forced to Serve LGBT Users
A lawsuit filed by a gay couple in California cited a California civil rights law requiring “all business establishments of every kin...
Will Russia Close Her Doors to Missionaries?
On June 29th Christianity Today online reported on new laws moving through the legislative process in Russia. The proposed laws are p...
Chosen Bedfellows: Mormons and Jews Share Political Angst
Opinion Angst: a strong feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity. Mormons and Jews are both feeling it this election season. W...
Understanding the Transgender Bathroom Controversy
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has not said much about “the bathroom controversy,” although spokesman Er...
James the Mormon Snapchats from the Provo CC Temple
As part of’s temple-hopping Snapchat campaign, we will be heading out to the Provo City Center Temple on Friday, June 2...
Perfection Isn’t What you Think it Is
There are a number of scriptures which counsel us to be perfect. Here are a few: [quote_box_center]I am the Almighty God; walk before...
How to Give your Questioning Friends a Reason for Faith
Laura Harris Hales begins her new book, A Reason for Faith: Navigating LDS Doctrine and Church History, with a story about her...