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Get Creative with Outdoor Indoor Furniture
It’s May, so catalogs and furnishings stores are showing their outdoor stuff. Think outside the box by imagining many of these items...
Getting Enough Vitamin C in Times of Deprivation
Mormons are big on food storage. Our most recent guidelines urge us to store a 3-months’ supply of the kinds of foods we eat e...’s Most Pinned Recipes has posted an article listing its 38 most pinned recipes from Pinterest. Here are a few of my favorites. Caramelized baked...
From a Mormon Poet for Poetry Month
Seedling This tender stem Pushed up through scorched earth Just as the stars were falling. Yearning sunward Flayed by solar wind It u...
Rather Unique Easter Recipes
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are Christians who celebrate Easter, remembering that Christ rose from th...
What If a Mormon had Written the Noah Movie?
Much has been written and said about the Noah movie. It’s controversial, because it doesn’t follow canonized scripture and even loos...
Mormon Pageants
Mormons (members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) do many wonderful things on their own volition. The pageants pr...
10 Ways Reading the Book of Mormon is Like Reading the Newspaper
Opinion The Book of Mormon narrative is a chronicle of nations long since gone. But in its descriptions of the problems of today’s so...
6 Ideas and Recipes for the 4th of July
1. Fireworks safety. 2. Festive food. 3. Costumes. (Don’t forget to take pictures.) 4. Shows of Patriotism. 5. Family gath...