There are 9 items in this tab
Becoming Childlike: A lesson learned from rock climbing
Rock-climbing is an adventure whether you’re an adult or a child, but it’s definitely more traumatizing the shorter and y...
Humanae Vitae: the Pope’s Stance on Procreation…and what that Means to Mormons
Fifty years ago, a document was published by the Catholic Church entitled Humanae Vitae, which, translated means “on human life...
Can an Answer to Prayer be Wrong?
Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about answers to prayers, especially answers that lead to difficult situations. Sometimes, w...
The problem with YSA (and how we can fix it)
Isolation is a major problem among young adults. According to BBC, almost 10% of people aged 16-24 report feeling lonely, higher than...
Developing Hope in Christ
It is deep into the reign of the Empire, and the republic has all but been squashed out. Leia Organa is leading Rebel forces, but the...
A Lesson from my Father
With today being Father’s Day, I have been thinking and reflecting a lot about my father and the impact he has had on me. The C...
Why should I Consider the Lilies?
I got the opportunity a few weeks ago to attend BYU Women’s Conference. One of the sessions was all about the power of music and one...
6 Ways to Adjust to being an RM
When I stepped off that plane at the end of those 18 months, I was excited and terrified. Here I was, now back to what should have be...
The conversation I wish I had with my mother
When I returned home from my mission, the first person I saw was my mother. There were no balloons, no banners or streamers that proc...