Doctrine v. Practice

The lds church seems to have so much presence in the media as of late, with the Kate Kelly, John Dehlin, famous lds members throughout every media channel, popular lds bloggers …

There seems to be an expanding division amongst members belief systems


In theory there should be a very clear cut distinction between the doctrine and the practice of a church.

Doctrine  is a codification of beliefs or a body of taught principles of positions that are typically considered to be religious truth

How a church operates and practises those beliefs often changes with interpretation and shifting of moral norms.  This is clear to point out when analyzing historical changes.  The challenge we face is being able to separate current practises from the doctrine they are founded upon.

While doctrine its self is considered unchangeable, changes in practise can show doctrines in a different light, or otherwise alter the interpretation of the doctrine.  This can sometimes lead to doctrinal shifts overtime which can make it even more difficult to separate the two.



A letter from a friend that left the church …

 I believe in the beautiful gift of grace which is taught in Romans, that we can not work to get eternal life it’s only about our life changing relationship in accepting that Jesus is our Lord and Saviour. I don’t believe that temple worthiness is a means by achieving eternal life. we can’t gain it, Jesus already did that for us by dying on the cross. I still have an unshakable testimony of Christ.   nothing you do will ever get you inot God’s kingdom, do you know that? you can not work favour into the kingdom of heaven. You’ll already there because you christ died for you, you’re works are only ways for other people to recongise christ and acknowledge God as the father. please don’t think you’re temple worthiness has anything to do with you’re postion with Jesus, infact when he died the temple was torn asunder, symbolising there was no need for it. don;t you see the miriacle of grace “


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