Is Sharing the Gospel Online Important?

It feels as though you can’t go far without hearing about social media. What is it? Why is it everywhere? And should you care? This article will cover the following topics:

  1. What is Social Media?
  2. What the Apostles Have Said About Social Media
  3. Why Sharing the Gospel Online is Important
  4. Choose Your Next Article

Article Summary

What is Social Media

social media noun, (plural) 1. websites or applications where users both consume and contribute text, video, or images. Or you know Facebook, and all the sites that are kind of like it. The essential element of social media is that the user can also act as the content creator.

Is Social Media a Fad?

People have a fundamental need to connect with others, and like other transformational communication technologies, social media makes that connection easier and quicker. While some communication technologies such as the telegraph or radio have gone out of style, we should be prepared for social media to have a similar long term effect.


The History of Social Media

To understand what social media is today, it’s best to understand how it got here.

While the most popular social media sites have changed a lot over the last 15 years, the fundamental experience and technology continues to grow in influence.

What the Apostles Have said About Social Media

One of the great blessings of having modern apostles and prophets is the opportunity to hear their counsel on modern day issues. Many of them have addressed social media use. Here are some selections of what has been said:

Neil L. Andersen

For those using the Internet and mobile phones, there are new ways to invite others to ‘come and see.’ Let’s make sharing our faith online more a part of our daily life.,, Facebook, Twitter—all provide opportunities.” 

Quentin L. Cook [pull_quote_right]Let’s make sharing our faith online more a part of our daily life.–Neil L. Andersen[/pull_quote_right]

“Some addictions or predilections, while not inherently evil, can use up our precious allotment of time which could otherwise be used to accomplish virtuous objectives. These can include excessive use of social media.”

David A. Bednar

“Please be careful of becoming so immersed and engrossed in potentially addictive uses of media and the Internet that you fail to recognize the importance of your physical body and miss the richness of person-to-person communication.”

In August, 2014, Elder David A. Bednar delivered a seminal address on how to use social media to share the gospel.

Richard G. Scott

“Feasting on the word of God each day is more important than social media.”

M. Russell Ballard

[pull_quote_left]Become involved in the worldwide conversation about the Church–M. Russell Ballard[/pull_quote_left]

“I am concerned that excessive text messaging, Facebooking, tweeting, and Instagraming are replacing talking—talking directly one to another and talking in prayer with our Heavenly Father.” “I worry that some of you check your email, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram accounts during our sacred sacrament meeting.”
“I thought I was rather up to date when I suggested that they share their views on blogs. Since then, I have been introduced to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, Instagram, and then my secretary told me, just as I was leaving, something about Snapchat.”[pull_quote_center]There have been 16 uses of the phrase “Social Media” in general conference![/pull_quote_center]

“One returned missionary specifically prayed to be led to “the one” he could reach. The name of a former college classmate came into his mind. He reached out to her over Facebook, and he learned that she had been praying for purpose and meaning in her life. He followed up just at the time she was searching for the truth, and in December she was baptized.”

L. Tom Perry

“Across the entire world, the Church [is] being discussed on social networks. These are ordinary people—both members of our faith and of other faiths—who are talking about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” [pull_quote_right]Sharing the good news of the gospel is easier than ever before. –Dieter F. Uchtdorf[/pull_quote_right]

“Today’s ‘manner of conversation’ seems to involve the Internet more and more. We encourage people, young and old, to use the Internet and the social media to reach out and share their religious beliefs.” “As you utilize the Internet, you may come across ongoing conversations about the Church. When directed by the Spirit, do not hesitate to add your voice to these conversations.”

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“With so many social media resources at our disposal, sharing the good news of the gospel is easier than ever before. Perhaps the Lord’s encouragement to ‘open [your] mouths’ might today include “use your hands” to blog and text message the gospel to all the world! But please remember, all at the right time and at the right place.” “Do you think He wants you to worry or get depressed if some un-friend or un-follow you on Facebook or Twitter?”

Thomas S. Monson

“Our young single adults have volunteered their time to locate missing members using the Internet, social media, and other modern means of communication.” “Most of you have access to amazing technological advances. You communicate through cell phones, text messaging, instant messaging, e-mailing, blogging, Facebook, and other such means.”


But perhaps just as important as their words, is the example of our church leaders. Many of the apostles have started official Facebook and Twitter pages.

Twitter Pages

Thomas S. Monson Dieter F. Uchtdorf Dallin H. Oaks
Jeffrey R. Holland M. Russell Ballard David A. Bednar

Facebook Pages

Thomas S. Monson Henry B. Eyring Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Boyd K. Packer L. Tom Perry Russell M. Nelson
Dallin H. Oaks M. Russell Ballard Richard G. Scott
Robert D. Hales Jeffrey R. Holland David A. Bednar
Quentin L. Cook D. Todd Christofferson Neil L. Andersen

Take Away

The apostles and prophets recognize both the great possibilities and the dangers of social media, and talk about both often in their public discourse. Among the positives they focus on the ability to connect with others and share the gospel. Among the negatives they focus on wasting time, and negative feelings of self-worth.

Why Sharing the Gospel Online is Important

What is shared and interacted with on social media has a big affect on the kinds of articles and stories that people read and find through search engines. With so many people sharing inaccurate information, sharing the gospel accurately helps get the correct information in front of those wanting to know more.

Social Media’s Affect on Psychology

Individuals often turn to social media to try to meet their basic psychological needs. The gospel of Jesus Christ will meet those needs, so social media is a natural place to share. And it’s a crucial time, because people are going to find a way to meet those needs one way or another. Doug Firebaugh, an early social media adopter and trainer, has identified 7 psychological needs that bring people to social media.

Acknowledgement. The gospel focuses on the individual. God’s purpose is to help the individual grow, and He knows every hair on our head. When people go to social media they want to know that they matter, sharing the gospel can easily provide that reassurance.

Attention. Some criticize social media for creating a culture where people are constantly seeking attention, and certainly this can be taken too far. But most individuals do want the attention of those around them. This helps them feel important and valued. Missionaries are trained to ask questions, listen closely, and pay attention to those they teach.

Approval. One of the great blessings of the gospel is that the commandments are a very clear road map to receiving God’s full approval. And God’s love is for everyone. No matter who you are or what you’ve done, you are welcomed into the Church.

Appreciation. Every member of the Church is given a responsibility, where their work can be appreciated. And the mission of the Church, to share the gospel in the last days, is so monumental, that it’s easy to appreciate anyone who comes on board. In fact with so much misinformation out there, we can appreciate others just for listening.

Acclaim. The harsh reality is that the acclaim of men is fickle. And while some people do find acclaim through social media, many don’t. The gospel offers a sure way to receive the praise of God. [quote_box_center]” I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”[/quote_box_center]

Assurance. The entire gospel is designed around the assurance that we can live with God forever. We have assurances that we can be forgiven and be with our families forever. A search for assurance often brings people to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Inclusion. It is no mistake that a church has been organized to teach and administer the gospel. Churches are communities that we become a part of. They can act as an extension of our families. When sharing the gospel on social media, it’s easy to focus exclusively on defending doctrine, or sharing from our point of view. But when we’re aware of what brings others to social media, then we are in a more powerful position to help them through the gospel.

Purpose of Social Media

There are three widely seen purposes of social media. Users look to accomplish one or all of these when they log in. As you can see these purposes map closely to the psychological needs they are trying to meet. If you want to make an impact on social media you need to provide these three things:


Reading articles, or looking at your friends pictures can be fun. Entertainments is a major reason people use social media on a daily basis. So if you’re interested in people interacting with your social media content, give them something fun.


The earliest social networks were designed to connect people with those they had lost contact with, or to make new connections with those who had similar interests.


The internet is a great contest of ideas. Much of what we choose to do online is to influence others. Those who contribute to wikis, social news, and social book marking sites, do so almost exclusively to influence the conversation. On other sites, like social networking sites, the ability to influence others is more nuanced. Sharing the gospel through social media is all about influencing others.


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