The Best Mother’s Day Articles in One Place

Mother’s day is a big deal for Latter-day Saints. It is one of the few holidays that we regularly devote a Sacrament Meeting towards,

Celebration of Motherhood

Mother’s Day celebrates motherhood, and so do these articles.

1. Mother’s Day and Mary’s Work

The mother of the Savior did not have an easy life. She was widowed before the age of fifty, and her oldest son was publicly crucified. But Mary was much more than the hardships she endured. In this article, James Faulconer beautifully illustrates the eternal work of mothers through the example of the Savior’s.

2. 12 Short, Sweet Stories About Moms (That Will Make You Want to Call Yours)

From “Mother of Rock” to “Pay It Forward,” these 100-word stories, shared by mothers and their children, prove that the simplest moments of motherhood can be the most impacting.

3. Rethinking Mother’s Day

If all we get out of Mother’s Day is that 1) I deserve to be celebrated because they are fulfilling a divine role, or 2) I may not be a mother, but I have a mother’s heart, we are entirely missing the point. Lisa Teixeira, a mother herself, urges us not to think of ourselves on Mother’s Day, but of our mothers.

4. 10 Ways Motherhood Has Changed Me

As a teenager she didn’t want children. As a wife she dealt with infertility. Now, as a mother of two, Kristen Hewitt lists living with guilt, dealing with perfectionism, abandoning the “supermom” myth as just a few of the ways motherhood has changed her. Read her list and tell us: how has motherhood changed you?

5. Dependency and Rawls

We’re all born into a state of dependency. Most of us care for dependents for a good portion of our lives, and then, if we live long enough, we become dependents again. In this article, Chris Henrichsen critiques an essay by Eva Feder Kittay from Love’s Labor: Essays on Women, Equality, and Dependency, in which she discusses “the needs of dependents and those involved in dependency work”—namely, you guessed it, mothers.

6. We Asked Kids to Talk about Their Moms, This is What They Said

Anyone can give you their opinion on “how you’re doing” as a mom, but we all know who the true experts are. Straight from the horse’s mouth—or, well, the children’s mouths—here’s what these adorable kids have to say about their mothers.

7. Lunch with Two Women Named Joan

The hilarious tale of a reunion gone wrong, “Lunch with Two Women Named Joan” is the perfect example of motherly honesty and daughterly devotion. But, most of all, this story illustrates, albeit indirectly, how much moms need other moms to survive.

8. Spilled Milk

From the appropriately titled photography blog “Spilled Milk,” we give you a collection of messier mommy moments as captured by talented moms all over the country. From food-spattered walls to dress-up zones, these photographers know just how to extract the sweet from the sticky.

Mother’s Day Gifts

Stuck on finding a gift for your wife or mother? These articles are here to help!

9. A Dad’s Guide to Her First Mother’s Day

This article is exactly as promising as it sounds. For the dad whose kids are too young to participate in Mother’s day, gets those creative, crafty juices going while proving that a meaningful Mother’s Day gift gives a new mom exactly what she needs.

10. Don’t Go Broke Celebrating Mother’s Day – 7 Frugal Ideas

From blogger Glen Craig, “It’s hard enough trying to figure out what mothers want for Mother’s Day. Paying for it gets even trickier.” While it may seem ungrateful to put away the wallet come Mother’s Day, he may have something there when he suggests a no-work day for your favorite mommy.

11. 36 Thoughtful Homemade Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Now that’s a number gift-givers can rely on! Here’s a sampling of what this list has to offer:

  • Yarn photo frames
  • Hand print bouquet
  • Mason jar picture frame vase
  • DIY candles
  • Cakes in a jar
  • Thumbprint family tree
  • DIY photo lampshade

12. What Your Mom Actually Wants for Mother’s Day

It’s easy—and fun!—to give your mom a card and some flowers on Mother’s Day. She may even appreciate breakfast in bed. But what does the mom in your life actually want for mother’s day? The answers are surprisingly simple.

Mother’s Day Articles For the Motherless

Mother’s day is not a celebration for everyone. While we often think about those women who have been unable to bear children on Mother’s day, we often forget how hard Mother’s Day can be for those who have lost their mother, or never knew her to begin with.

13. A Mother’s Day Letter to Motherless Daughters

For years, Hope Edelman would write an annual blog post on Mother’s Day. Well, all her practice paid off in her 2015 version. This beautiful meditation on motherhood, daughterhood, and the things we can’t understand is the perfect Mother’s day read, whether or not she’s speaking directly to you.

14. A Letter to the Motherless on Mother’s Day

Marisa Bardach Ramel’s mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer when she was 17. This lovely, heartfelt article of hers encourages us all to remember this Mother’s Day the things we loved most about our mothers, and to remember that, although being apart from them is hard, there are ways to get through the day in happiness rather than despair.

For Women without Children

15. Childlessness in a Child-Focused Faith

In a faith where family and children are a central focus, it can be incredibly challenging to be a childless parent on Mother’s Day. In this article, Mackenzie Brown provides not only comfort but resources and solutions for feeling peace on this emotional holiday.

16. Why We Should Celebrate All Women on Mother’s Day

Although many face the challenge of not being able to have their own children, Lisa Jo Baker writes, “Motherhood is its own mission field, and no one is disqualified from serving.” This article not only seeks to comfort and encourage; it calls to action women who are struggling, women who are sad, but most of all, women who are can’t not mother those around them.

17. A Life-Changing Facebook Post

Facebook gets flooded with posts every day, but this post is one of the good ones. Lissa Rankin, an OB/GYN, has seen it all when it comes to motherhood, but, here, she speaks out for the childless. Whether you’ve “been unable to conceive, lost pregnancies, had abortions, given their babies up for adoption, lost [your] reproductive capacity as the result of treatment from cancer, chosen not to reproduce, never met the right partner, or wound up waiting too long,” believe us, this post is for you.

18. Mother’s Day for the Childless

If you think the verb “mother” doesn’t apply to you, think again. Marcy Cole, Ph.D., urges her readers to ask themselves the following questions: “So who do you mother? What two and four-legged beings do you care about and nurture? Who do you share your compassion, guidance, wisdom and unconditional love with? What are you birthing in the way of creativity, philanthropy, conscious commerce, etc.?”

19. When Mother’s Day Hurts

“‘Oh, no. May is here,’ the woman muttered as she stared at her calendar. ‘That means Mother’s Day is coming,’ she sighed. ‘It’s the worst day of the year for me.’

“She shared that her daughter had been tragically killed in an auto accident many years prior. Although she has a son, Mother’s Day still triggers the sad reality that her daughter is gone.”

If Church is Hard Today

20. Why I Avoided Mother’s Day Like the Plague and How I’ve (mostly) Changed

If you’ve ever avoided going to church on Mother’s Day, this article is for you. For Delisa Hargrove, skipping church that day seemed like the easy way out. Having recently experienced a miscarriage, she couldn’t stand the idea of being consoled by everyone in the ward that day. Only when she decided to go did she realize that she was far from alone in her situation.

21. Mormons and the Politics of Mother’s Day

For far too many, Mother’s Day is a reminder of what they may lack in the ways of being a mother. Taylor Petrey reminds us that, although being a mother is indeed sacred, “motherhood” is not the sole definition of “womanhood.”

Funny Mother’s Day Articles

22. Mommies’ Most Embarrassing Moments at Church

You’ve probably heard a child say, “Mom, you’re embarrassing me!” at some point. What kids often forget is the number of times they’ve done some embarrassing things of their own! From “the Phantom Organist” to “the Gymnast’s Lost Undies,” Athena B. Madsen rounds up and retells some of the best embarrassing kid-at-church stories you’ll ever hear.

23. A Funny Story from My Mom

Mommy memories are the greatest, especially the funny ones. In this article, Kayleen J. Reusser shares a hilarious story about her own mom. The story begins when Kayleen’s mom, then eight years old, takes her preacher up on the challenge to bring the most visitors to church the next week for a mysterious “prize.”

24. 3 Funny Mother’s Day Poems to Make You LOL

“Are you one of those people who cringe at the thought of writing sappy things in your Mother’s Day card? Rest assured, you’re not alone. This year try honoring Mom with a sweet and funny poem.”

25. 12 Mother’s Day Cards for Cool Moms, Not Regular Moms

For the kids of the quirky, fun, hilarious mom, we’ve got a list of cards your mom’s gonna love. Just to give you an idea of what this list entails, here’s one of our favorite ideas:

mother's day articles to-do list

For New Moms

26. To the Mommy I Was 7 Years Ago

Moms rarely ever consider themselves experts in their “field” (even if they are). However, there’s no denying you learn a lot along the way. For the moms who are just starting out, Shawna Wingert shares her experiences both past and present, and three crucial things she wishes she’d known then.

27. Mother Knows Best: First-Time Pregnant Women Get Advice from Their Mothers

Whether you turned to a friend, a grandma, or your own mother for new-mommy advice, there’s something everyone can learn from this beautiful little video.

What additional Mother’s Day wisdom would you like to share with our readers? Share your links in the comments below!


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